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Access Analytics

Enlighten and inform your team

Ensure your patient performance analytics deliver actionable insights
tailored to your organization’s specific program requirements

We know how challenging it is to launch and support a specialty pharma brand in a competitive, dynamic market. Moreover, we know how market access teams have historically struggled to access the data insights they need to optimize their businesses. We work with teams to ensure the patient performance analytics deliver actionable insights that are tailored to your organization’s specific program requirements.

The Claritas Rx market access analytics platform draws from our years of experience in pharmaceutical analytics. We are able to deliver clear, timely insights into patient experiences across the treatment journey so you can assess how well your own programs are performing. 

Learn more about Claritas Rx and how our market access data services deliver daily performance analytics you can rely on.


  • View enrollment by SP and HUB status
  • Review new patient starts and approvals
  • View patient abandonment and fulfillment rates
  • Review TAT to first ship by entity
  • View card enrollment and redemption
  • Review co-pay support
  • Analyze card activation and penetration
  • Assess channel and SD shipments
  • Automate reporting for 3PL, SD and SP shipments & view 3PL returns
  • Analyze payer mix and payer profile reporting


  • Monitor the patient experience across the treatment journey
  • Track patient services activity and co-pay support
  • Manage and optimize inventory to improve efficiency
  • Develop and drive payer market strategies, while answering evolving business questions
  • Automate market access, payer, and channel insights reporting
  • Easily understand patient performance analytics 
Claritas Rx
as an extension
to your team
Tailored daily
performance analytics
you can rely on

Channel Insights

Our channel reports such as distribution by channel, SP, SD, and Hub total shipments, distribution by diagnosis, on-time shipments, 3PL returns, and replenishment rates allow your team to focus resources and improve performance.

Trade and Contracting

In addition, Claritas Rx has developed a set of specific trade and contract reports to enable you to view and compare GPO and non-GPO volume and financial metrics – both monthly and quarterly. This helps you understand the effectiveness of your programs.

Patient Services Insights

Our access analytics solution has an array of dashboards and reports to help your Patient Services team better understand how they are doing with enrollments, referrals, cancellations, and discontinuation rates by a partner and the reasons behind the metrics.

We offer a series of reports around co-pay metrics to help you understand co-pays relating to enrollment, redemptions, average pay per patient, and overall card penetration so you can gauge re-reimbursement effectiveness.

Moreover, we can help you review your patient clinical support needs by providing nursing call metrics such as the volume, capacity, and overall performance in helping patients. 

Payer Insights

Claritas Rx provides reports to help your team develop the right pricing and rebate strategies using the latest metrics.

Our reports pivot around primary payer types for payer mix, total enrollment, new starts, approval rates, fulfillment rates, turnaround times, and denial reasons so your payer team can improve their overall payer strategies. 

Visibility for meaningful action

Monitor the patient experience across the treatment journey

Track patient services activity and co-pay support

Manage and optimize inventory to improve efficiency

Tailored daily performance views

Tailored daily performance analytics you can rely on

Understand how to drive impactful payer market strategies

Automate market access, payer, and channel insights reporting

Request a Demo

Our team is happy to walk you through the access analytics services and answer any of your questions.

Claritas Rx Solutions

Patient Watchtower

Faster, More Effective



Rely on clean high quality

validated data

Data Aggregation

Connect all your data sources
for complete access

Cell & Gene Therapy

CRM that benefits your brand,
your therapy